Agiboo's MP discusses CTRM trends for 2018 – Podcast at CTRMRadio

Jan van den Brom, Managing Partner of Agiboo, revealed 3 trends in CTRM technology industry for 2018 in the first podcast of CTRM Radio from CTRM Center. Together with him, other CTRM leaders also projected potential trends within the same field.

Disruptive technologies were of course on the table and opinions regarding the evolving technology of dedicated software for commodity industries were mentioned.

Jan talked about integration sophistication in CTRM systems, like in Agiblocks CTRM, maturity in cloud availability and acceptance, but also didn’t avoid mentioning the new disruptive technologies, like Blockchain or AI, which probably will take part in the game of CTRM technology applications.

Listen to the Podcast

If you want to listen to the whole interview podcast, then you can click the photo or the link below:


The highlights of Jan’s interview:

  • Integration with ERP, pricing providers and CRM will have a faster implementation
  • Maturity in cloud availability but also a more wide trust on the cloud services
  • Disruptive technologies like AI, Blockchain probably will find their place in CTRM technology
  • Leaving behind the legacy systems and trusting more dedicated software for commodity industries

Listen to the full interview here

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