Next generation CTRM - White Paper by Commodity Technology Advisory

Commodity markets may well now be at an important crossroads in their evolution. Always risky and intricate, trading, procuring and/or selling commodities, is increasingly more complex and becoming even riskier. For those engaged in commodity markets, there has always been a need for flexible and configurable CTRM software to cater for the rapidly changing nature of the business.

Unfortunately, most traditionally implemented on premise CTRM software solutions are suboptimal in terms of keeping current with new business challenges. Often the solution also carries a high cost of ownership as this traditional development model can mean months, if not years, between the emergence of a new requirement and the delivery of the matching functionality. New models are now emerging that utilizes the Cloud from new vendors who, familiar with such issues, have innovated different approaches that hold much promise for users.

Examining challenges

This white paper examines how the industry is changing and why legacy CTRM software and the traditional models of development, implementation and support are problematic for users. It reviews the emergence of new technologies and delivery mechanisms and contrasts how these solutions may prove to be more responsive to industry needs in the future.

Download your copy of the next generation CTRM white paper here.

News stories and events

News about all the different commodities. They can be divided into three different groups: Agricultural, Metals and Energy.

The evolution of CTRM: Navigating digital transformation in commodity trading

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Coffee Crisis: impact on farmers, traders and consumers

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Why CTRM Software is a strategic investment for commodity companies

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