Concentrate on your deal and growing the business

Commodity trade markets are continuously changing. On the one hand it makes the life of a commodity trader captivating but on the other hand very demanding and risky. Risk presents an integral part of the commodity trade decision making. As market prices are always fluctuating, the volumes, quality and quantities of the commodities available depend on the weather conditions, logistics, trade agreements and even political circumstances of the countries involved have impact.

Where in the past experienced traders probably could get away with a “No guts no Glory” approach in generating profits, in the present markets the modern day trader needs to hedge bets and secure flawless delivery to make money. Today the trader works with market strategies addressing ever changing environments and increasing levels of velocity and variances and needs to manage not only the financial but also operational risks. Split second decisions however can still make the difference.

To make deliberate decisions a trader needs not be conquered by emotions and risk aversion but needs to have a clear vision of the final goal and to be well informed about the markets, positions and potential changes and risks involved.

Our approach?

As a young player in the Commodity Trade and Risk Management Software (CTRM) domain, Agiboo is determined as a company to improve our customers’ ability to manage risks and make better deals. Our extensive experience in Trading and sound IT background is a great place to start but we learn more from our customers every day. Our approach? We listen, understand, and translate a customer’s way of working into effective functional support and improved risk management.  Our customers to be concentrated on their deals and growth.

We transfer our continuous learning into our software applications. Agiboo team apply Agile development methods allowing us to develop our software ensuring a quick and effective response to ever changing market dynamics and customer needs. At Agiboo we don’t work end to end but stay true to our Agile approach to continuous development and software delivery. As a result Agiblocks continuously increases your oversight and insight in your trading portfolio, volumes, logistics, positions and related risks.

What is more?

Improving your trading organization requires improving oversight and insight in your trading activities and risks. Growing your business is all about knowing (being) the market, staying ahead of the curve and knowing when to buy or sell. It is not about creating spreadsheets, graphs or rolling the dice. Despite the high value of new generation trading software, and the benefits of improved processes and controls, the last thing a trader wants is to become occupied with software implementation issues; such would create defocus from the business and thus exposure to risks. To help them achieve that our implementation consultants deliver smooth migrations from current systems and/or spreadsheets to the Agiblocks platform ensuring that customers experience the benefits of Agiblocks integrated and modular functionality without losing focus and control.

Real time risk management systems are paramount to traders in an increasingly competitive and ever changing market. Agiblocks helps traders keep their eye on the deal by offering real-time information on, volumes, logistics, positions and valuations dynamics. We enable our customers to sleep well knowing that they are in control of their trading risk and can concentrate on growing the business.

News stories and events
Commodity trade and risk management

The Commodity Trade and Risk Management can be seen from three different views: TradingMarket and Risks.  

The top 5 ERP systems for integration with Agiblocks CTRM

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Essential in CTRM: Physical position and mark to market

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Shipping undetermined quantities in CTRM

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